Our Core Values

Dedication  - We teach our customers the necessity of self healing,  wellness and balance. We hold ourselves and our clients accountable to honor our commitments. 

Growth - We strive to innovate new ways to ease the stress of our clients.  We promote an environment of Learning/Education and Educating 

Timeliness - We respect our work,  ourselves and our clients by honoring each party’s schedule and time. 

Consistently  - We deliver superior and effective therapeutic services in a warm and inviting environment. We passionately educate our clients and students about wellness and the subtle,  strong connection between body mind and life.

Integrity - We strive to be trustworthy and caring and to attract trustworthy caring clients.  We commit to upholding the highest level of professionalism. 

Ethics  - We maintain an environment that is and feels welcoming to all people.  We maintain an environment that feels safe to all people.  Our staff,  management,  owners and all individuals involved with our business fully abstain from inappropriate services and are compliant under local, state and federal laws. 

Community  - We communicate in a clear,  and friendly manner.  We connect with people that we serve in as many ways as possible.  We build great relationships and we positively impact our clients,  our community and our world.